Party Planning: Our Annual Summer Party

If you're local to Maine chances are you've heard of the Beach to Beacon, an annual 10k race hosted by former olympian runner Joan Benoit. It has historically drawn tens of thousands of runners and spectators, and is an amazing, community event here in the town where Surf Road calls home.

We also happened to move into our house over Beach to Beacon weekend 5 years ago, and every year have hosted an annual summer party to commemorate the event and gather with friends. This year, as we have begun to add event planning services to our suite of offerings, we are planning to step up the decor game a little more than we have in past events. Check out my mood board from Pinterest below to see some of the ideas I'm planning, and shop the looks yourself by clicking any image below or visiting our Amazon and LTK shops!


Back To School: Our Fall 2023 Shopping LIst


Exterior House Renovations: Let's Talk Dormers!