3 Ways to Make Your Short-Term Rental Pop

Every summer we are recruited by some of our favorite clients, usually in the Bethel, Maine area, to work on short-term rental properties. We are tasked with not only sourcing all of the furnishings and decor, but also with making sure that those furnishings and decor POP. These clients want the photos of their AIRBNB properties to stand out on the app, so that they will attract more clients! So what does it entail to make your short-term rental property POP and be appealing to renters? Keep reading!

  1. Lighting: The impact of upgrading your lighting can be significant! Whether you are installing new and updated fixtures or hanging neon lights on the wall, making these relatively easy swaps can make a HUGE difference.

2. Wallpaper: Whether you decide to go traditional or wild, incorporating wallpaper for your short-term rental is maybe the easiest way to make it pop! We love to do the bathroom and/or an accent wall, and always make our choices based on the ideal client, overall color palette and what room we are in!

3. Local Flair: With an AIRBNB people are usually traveling in from out of state to stay in someone else’s home and experience the local lifestyle. We love to leave little bits of Maine for out-of-towners to experience, whether it’s some local coffee, a favorite L.L.Bean blanket or a custom pillow with a very “Maine” saying.

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