Get to know our artists for the Fall mantelpiece set: Kayte Demont of WCKD Collective

Our final artist highlighted for our Fall Mantelpiece box is Kayte Demont of WCKD Collective.

Kayte is a long time friend of Surf Road as well as an absolute powerhouse in the world of connecting and supporting local creative folks. Kayte's portion of out mantelpiece box is a framed photo she took framed in frames she sourced for us.

WCKD Collective is the product of Kayte and business partner Emily craving inclusivity + community building - from clothes and style to the type of content shared. Not only does WCKD include sourcing incredible vintage goods, but they also work with select brands to help bring the same powerful vibe WCKD brings to the table with WCKD Content.

Kayte is an incredible content creator, photographer and business woman, with an extensive background in the arts.

"After graduating from Gettysburg College with a degree in English and a concentration in Studio Art, she created the blog Mass Musings (2012-2020) as a central place of inspiration for creative individuals. Kayte focused on creating quality content and genuine connections with a strong emphasis on lifestyle and music. Through her writing and photography, she was able to connect her audience with some of the most well-respected, international brands and artists." - WCKD Collective website

Kayte helps local artists and creatives to project the businesses in a cohesive and eye catching way and we are personally so grateful to be affiliated with WCKD Collective!

For a more personal explanation of Kayte's work and WCKD Collective in general check out this video, and definitely definitely follow along on instagram!


Working with existing material; A bathroom Vibe switch up with a pop of fun


Get to know our artists for the Fall mantelpiece set: Hannah Martin of Near & Native