Surf Road Case Study: How Hiring an Interior Designer Can Save You Money, Part 2
A few months ago we wrote a blog post about all the ways hiring an interior designer can actually help save you money on your home renovation or new build project. You can check out that blog post here, but the gist of it is, we have connections, discount, and time to devote and dedicate to your project.
Recently, however, as we completed the procurement phase on one of our latest projects, we were completely struck by just how true this sentiment is.
a-frame design saddleback mountain house
A Case Study: High End Furnishings, For Less
The first element at play here is that these clients did their homework on their designer. They studied our work, asked all the right questions, and satisfied themselves that they could trust in our vision for their home. This means that when we sent them design presentations, they were ready to just say YES! Since we work on an hourly basis, this means less hours going back and forth, meaning, less money on design fees.
Secondly, we worked those connections for them! They wanted very high end furnishings in their home, and were prepared to spend what it took to achieve a high end look. What they weren't prepared for, however, was that with our discounts and connections they would save $18,000 on furnishings!
Not only did they have the benefit of not spending precious work or family time scouring for furnishings, but they got a cohesive, beautiful home design and saved money! The $18,000 they saved more than covers their design fee so they are left with more money in their pocket.
If this isn't a case for hiring an interior designer, I don't know what is!