Surf Road's List of Plants You Have to Try to Kill to Kill

Much as I hate to admit it, I don't have much of a green thumb. I forget to water my plants half the time, and when I finally do remember, I overwater them. Nevertheless, we have an abundance of plants in our house. How do I do it? I only buy these 4 kinds of plants (for the most part):

  1. Pothos: low maintenance, great on a shelf because they hang down from one to the next, setting up the perfect #shelfie vibe

  2. Snake Plants: Small and, again, low maintenance. I use these on console tables and dressers to add pops of green.

  3. ZZ Plants: Can be large or small. Put it in a planter on the floor or on a tabletop.

  4. Monstera Plants: These ones can be a LITTLE more high maintenance, so use more sparingly, but I love their shape. They can get really big (wide) so I love to use them to fill up blank corners in a room.

Still scared? Here's a trick: Put 1 real plant on a shelf with a bunch of fake ones, and everyone will assume they are all real. Bonus if you put it in a gorgeous planter with some faux moss on top. Check out some of my favorite faux plants and planters by clicking any image below!


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