Surf Road Reveal: Lennon's matured room
Lennon came home from a playdate a few weeks ago at a friend's house who has an older sister (a "mature" 4th grader to Lennon's 2nd grade status), declaring she wanted to "mature" her room. A reminder, Lennon's pink room had adorable royal bunnies on the wall, and unicorn and rainbow everything. And as much as I am not ready for her to be even bigger than she already is, I have to admit I was ready for change in her room too. Mostly because, as anyone who knows me will attest, I can't sit still and require change like all the time. She, being her mother's daughter through and through, marched straight upstairs and started tearing the bunny decals off the walls. She declared she wanted it to be blue (doesn't everyone...more on that later!), and I was just relieved it wasn't yellow she wanted.
DIY Scalloped half wall
It just so happened that we were going to be home the following weekend for Crawford's birthday, and much to Kyle's chagrin Lennon and I decided we would get started on her room right away. I really wanted to do Board + Batten all around her room, but unfortunately that would have required Kyle's help and he was less than enthused about spending our one weekend home cutting boards for what he deemed an "unnecessary project" (insert eye roll!). After some Pinteresting I came across a scalloped half wall DIY. I feel like this is a great way to add a feminine touch to a blue wall. After looking at many samples together, Lennon and I decided on November Skies by Benjamin Moore as the color. I prepped the room while she was at school, and then she and a friend helped me paint. Lennon actually drew most of the scallops and was truly a huge help in the process...maybe she is maturing afterall!
The Reveal
We are all very happy with the result, including Kyle who was skeptical at every step but then said it was the best DIY I had done yet in the end!
scallop painted diy wall november skies blue